Hosta Blanca

WordPress on cPanel in 6 steps

Install WordPress on cPanel Hosta Blanca web hosting in 6 steps

To install WordPress on a cPanel Hosta Blanca Shared hosting is a matter of minutes. WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems (CMS) in the world. It is widely used by bloggers, businesses, and even large organizations to create and manage their websites. Installing WordPress on a cPanel Hosta Blanca Shared hosting account is relatively easy, and in this article, we will guide you through the steps required to do so.

Before we begin, it is important to note that cPanel is a web-based control panel that allows you to manage your hosting account. It provides a graphical interface to manage your website, email accounts, domain names, and other hosting-related services.

To install WordPress Login to cPanel

Step 1: To install WordPress Login to cPanel

The first step in installing WordPress on cPanel is to log in to your cPanel account, provided for free by Hosta Blanca web hosting. To do this, you need to go to your hosting provider’s website and click on the login button. You will be asked to enter your username and password. Once you have entered your credentials, click on the login button to access your cPanel account.

Step 2: Create a Database

WordPress requires a database to store all its content, including posts, pages, comments, and settings. To create a database, click on the MySQL Databases icon in cPanel. Enter a name for your database and click on the Create Database button.

Step 3: Create a User for the Database to install WordPress

After creating a database, you need to create a user that will be used to access the database. To do this, click on the Add New User button in the MySQL Databases section. Enter a username and password for the user and click on the Create User button.

Step 4: Add User to the Database

The next step is to add the user you just created to the database. To do this, go to the Add User to Database section in the MySQL Databases area. Select the user you created and the database you want to use, and click on the Add button.

Step 5: Install WordPress

Now that you have created a database and a user, it’s time to install WordPress. To do this, go to the Softaculous Apps Installer section in cPanel and click on the WordPress icon. Click on the Install button to start the installation process.

You will be asked to enter some basic information about your website, including the domain name, website name, and website description. You will also need to select the database you created earlier, the user you created, and the database prefix.

Once you have entered all the information, click on the Install button to start the installation process. Softaculous will automatically install WordPress on your hosting account.

Step 6: Login to WordPress

After the installation process is complete, you can log in to your WordPress dashboard by going to your domain name followed by “/wp-admin” (e.g., Enter the username and password you created during the installation process to access your WordPress dashboard.

Congratulations! You have successfully installed WordPress on your cPanel hosting account. You can now start creating your website by choosing a theme, adding content, and customizing your site’s settings.

In conclusion, installing WordPress on cPanel Hosta Blanca web hosting is a simple process that can be completed in a few easy steps. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can quickly and easily install WordPress on your cPanel hosting account and start building your website.

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